新闻中心 什么是轻触开关?轻触开关原理是什么?
发布时间:2018-09-20 浏览次数:293 返回列表
轻触开关作为一种最常见的电子开关,由于体积小重量轻,在家用电器,电子设备方面得到了广泛应用。今天带大家详细了解轻触开关以及轻触开关的工作原理。 轻触开关是什么? 轻触开关是一种通过触摸感应器控制电路的开关,操作起来简便又神奇,轻轻点按开关按钮就可使开关接通,当松开手时开关即断开,这种开关具有接触电阻荷小、操作力误差精确、规格多样化等优势,被广泛应用于影音产品、数码产品、通讯产品、家用电器、安防产品、玩具、电脑产品、健身器材、医疗器材等等方面。 轻触开关是随着电子技术发展的要求而开发的第四代开关产品,随着技术水平的提升,轻触开关体积及安装尺寸逐渐缩小,国外已有小型轻触开关和片式轻触开关。轻触开关结构有立式、卧式和卧式带地端三种,现在又有组合式和电位器轻触开关组合两类,用来满足各种电子产品要求。 轻触开关的采用的材质影响着开关的寿命和性能,引脚材质目前主要有三种,银镍合金、银镉合金和纯银,银镍合金是比较理想的材质,导电性能、硬度相对来说比较好,也不容易氧化生锈。弹片材质目前分为磷铜弹片和不锈钢弹片,目前很多生产厂家为了节约成本都是选用磷铜弹片, 使用不锈钢弹片的轻触开关相对来说手感更好,使用寿命更长。 轻触开关的原理是什么? 小小的电子元器件能够控制整个电器设备的运转,有什么神奇之处呢?来了解轻触开关的构造,由上至下,它是由盖板、按钮、弹片、基座、引脚组成,其中按钮是外力通过盖板施加外力的地方,弹片是轻触开关的核心组件,引脚指的是轻触开关与电路的连接处,一般为五个引脚,两个引脚为一组,第五个引脚起接地作用,向开关施加外力时四个引脚相导通,使得开关接通,没有外力施压时四个引脚两两一组不相通,开关处于断开状态。 轻触开关的通断是靠金属弹片受力变化来实现的,使用时按下开关按钮,其弹片受到外力作用发生形变向下接触到焊片,使得开关的两组引脚相导通,从而使得电路呈现导通状态,撤离外力时,弹片形变恢复原始状态,脱离焊片,开关的两组引脚不再导通,电路呈现断开状态。 鉴于轻触开关在我们日常家电中应用之广泛,了解清楚轻触开关的构造和原理是很有必要的,如此才能在购买时选到真正适合自己的产品。 更多轻触开关的资料可以找轻触开关XKB品牌厂家的技术人员索取,或者登录他们的网站去找技术资料 What is a tact switch?What is the principle of the tact switch? As one of the most common electronic switches,tact switches are widely used in household appliances and electronic equipments for they are small in size and light in weight.Blow is the definition and principle of the tact switch. What is a tact switch? A tact switch is an on/off ?electronic switch that only has to be touched by an object to operate. It's the simplest kind of tactile sensor.They have a small footprint and come in many sizes.Tact switches have been used in a variety of applications such as audio-visual products,digital products, remote control, communications products, household appliances, security products, toys, computer products, fitness equipment, medical equipment, note pen, laser pen keys, etc. What is the principle of the tact switch? What's so amazing about small electronic components that can control the entire electrical equipment? Let's talk about the structure of a touch switch from the top down, panel, button, shrapnel, pedestal, pins, the button is the place that external force exerting force through the cover board,the shrapnel is the core component of a touch switch,the pin refers to the connection between the light touch switch and the circuit. There are five pins of a switch,two pins as a group, the fifth pin plays a role of grounding function.Four pins lead through as the force to the switch,four pins do not connect in pairs when there is no external force pressure,at this point the switch is closed. There are many different kinds of tact switches,seal straight plunger type light touch switch;LED high insulation resistance type light touch switch;super long life flat light touch switch;short stroke patch type light touch switch;Lateral operating straight plug switch and more,and here offer you some famous brands of the touch switch,OTTO,Panasonic,ALPS,XKB,C&K,APEM,Well Buying.Here welcome anyone of you to recommend good brands or suppliers and hope more progress of switch technology. More information about tact switch can be obtained from the technical staff of XKB manufacturer or visit XKB official |