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发布时间:2018-09-27        浏览次数:261        返回列表

Impact of sino-us trade war on connectors

With the strengthening of globalization, the economic interactions among the countries have become more and more frequent,trade frictions are also on the rise.When it comes to trade disputes between China and the United States,Sino-US trade disputes has increased since China's entry into WTO,and there's a lot of focus on that the trump administration launched a new round of trade wars against China in early 2018, regardless of dissuasion,it is also the biggest international trade war China has faced since reform and opening-up,this trade war has been heated and becomes the focus of attention all over the world.

Many companies are concerned about the impact of the Sino-us trade war on their industries,China's growth depends on its imports of American technology,Some domestic high-tech industries need to import American technology,the supply chain of related industries will be impacted if the U.S. stops exporting such core technology,some companies have close ties to the U.S. economy and regard the U.S. market as the largest,and the imposition of tariffs will undoubtedly affect the profits of products,so the U.S. market - based suppliers may also be affected.

As a member of the electronic components industry, XKB is also really concerned about the impact of the trade war on us,the United States has slapped massive tariffs on imports from China, including aviation products, new energy vehicles and more,while China's exports to the United States are mainly mechanical equipment and instruments, including household appliances, electronics and other products,analyzing the connector industry heat will have a period of decline,it is fitting that China is energetically building 5G network and China is the largest connector market,with the 5G era coming, a new giant cake is waiting for Chinese and foreign telecom equipment vendors,this is also a spring for the connector industry,we believe the connector industry has a promising future and it's a possibility worth looking into,so the trade war will have less impact on the connector industry.

It's unclear how the Sino-us trade war will go,but we have to say that this trade war has promoted China's pursuit of scientific and technological progress and required core technologies to be self-reliant and independent.