新闻中心 拨码开关都有什么品牌
发布时间:2018-10-08 浏览次数:250 返回列表
拨码开关,很多行业论述中也称之为DIP开关,拨动开关,超频开关,地址开关,拨拉开关,数码开关,指拨开关,通俗的讲,拨码开关就是一种手动的微型开关,由于型号多款,体积小,安装方便,操作维护简单,在我们日常生活中也是使用比较多的,广泛用于电器、机械、通信、遥控、音响、安防、风淋室、火车模型等很多需要手动程式编制的产品上,随着技术更加成熟,拨码开关也将走向更多领域,有很大的市场需求。 拨码开关最开始是日本OMRON研发出来的,中国制造的拨码开关最早由台湾的一些厂商研发生产,随着用途的广泛,大陆也有很多厂家纷纷加入行列,目前市场上拨码开关品牌很多,难免让人眼花缭乱难以选择,这里推荐部分国内得力的拨码开关生产厂家供大家参考: 1.台湾百莹科技股份有限公司 2.圆达实业股份有限公司 3.台湾总督电子股份有限公司 4.浙江慈溪华锐电子科技公司 5.广东星坤科技股份有限公司 6.深圳市光贝电子有限公司 7.宁波广永电子有限公司 8.宁波普锐电子科技有限公司 What brand does the dial code switch have DIP switches are designed to be used on a printed circuit board along with other electronic components and are commonly used to customize the behavior of an electronic device for specific situations.There are many different kinds of DIP switches. Some of the most common are the rotary, slide, and rocker types.They are widely used in our daily life for they are small in size,simple installation and easy maintenance,widely used in electrical, mechanical, communication, remote control, audio, security, air shower, train model and many other products requiring manual programming.As the technology gets more mature,DIP switches will also move into more areas that they are greatly needed in the market. The DIP switch was originally developed by OMRON of Japan,chinese-made switches were first developed and produced by some manufacturers in Taiwan.Many mainland manufacturers have joined in for a wide range of uses,there are many brands of dial code switch in the market at present,here recommended some domestic high-quality brands for your reference:BIWIN,KE,DIPTRONIC,XKB, |